On 16 October 2017, the partners of the FAIR INTERNET Campaign with the support of AEPO-ARTIS members SAWP and STOART held a debate with the Polish press and Polish representatives of the European Parliament in Brussels.
The meeting, hosted by MEP Bogdan Wenta, provided an opportunity to discuss the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Copyright and the FAIR INTERNET Campaign as it relates specifically to the situation in Poland.
Renowned Polish performers Michał Urbaniak, Wanda Kwietniewska and Wincenty Krawczyk shared their real life experiences with EU press and decision-makers, calling for an unwaivable right to remuneration from on-demand exploitations of their performances paid by online platforms such as iTunes, Spotify and Netflix and administered via performers’ collective management organisations.
The renowned Polish singer Irena Santor also sent a video message in support of the FAIR INTERNET campaign.
For more information please view the statement (in Polish) available below or contact the AEPO-ARTIS Secretariat.
⇒ Fair Internet Campaign Statement (Polish)