On 6 June 2017, AEPO-ARTIS, held its annual seminar entitled “Performers’ Rights in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities” at the THON EU Hotel in Brussels.
The AEPO-ARTIS seminar, amongst other issues, took stock of the European Commission’s copyright proposal, which is now being discussed in the European Parliament, raising the challenges and opportunities faced by performers across Europe.
In this regard, the fair remuneration of performers from on-demand services (iTunes, Netflix, Spotify, …) was at the heart of the discussion.
Xavier Blanc, Secretary General of AEPO-ARTIS, partner of the FAIR INTERNET campaign, which represents over 500,000 performers across Europe, said: “we are disappointed that despite the information readily available, the European Commission has failed to improve the situation of performers. It is unacceptable that still today the majority of performers receive no remuneration from downloading /streaming services such as iTunes, Spotify, Netflix, … EU legislators must free performers from the trap of their contracts”.
Horace Trubridge, General Secretary elect of the Musicians Union, UK and musician himself said: “I am dismayed at the proposals of the European Commission. I know the terms of my contract. More transparency does not mean I can change its terms. Neither do I seek conflict with my producer if I wish to continue working in the industry. I simply would like to receive my fair share”.
On demand Internet streaming and download services, such as Spotify, iTunes and Netflix are growing exponentially in popularity, revenue and value, but performers are missing out of their fair share in this value uplift.
AEPO-ARTIS is very pleased that the concern of over 500.000 performers in Europe has finally been heard by the European Parliament and is being debated in several committees.
Helga Trüpel, German member of the European Parliament, said “My aim in the discussions on the Copyright Directive is to put authors and performers in a better negotiation position and to provide them with a statutory guarantee for an unwaivable remuneration from streaming and downloading of their works”.
“We are fully supportive of Mrs Trüpel and other members of the European Parliament who are trying to make a real difference to performers in Europe and create a fair and stable creative industry for those at the heart of the value chain” concluded Tilo Gerlach, President of AEPO-ARTIS.
AEPO-ARTIS is a partner of the FAIR INTERNET coalition which is calling for the introduction in EU law of an unwaivable right to remuneration for performances from the on demand use of their performances, subject to mandatory collective management and paid by the on demand platforms. More information is available at www.fair-internet.eu.
The seminar brought together performers and representatives of performers’ organisations, intergovernmental organisations for cultural and creative sectors, the European Commission and European Parliament, international institutions, government departments and other experts in intellectual property rights.
The press release in full is available below.