AEPO-ARTIS Webinar – Performers and performers’ rights: How can we create a sustainable creative eco-system in Europe?
AEPO-ARTIS Webinar 2020
On 17 November, AEPO-ARTIS shall host a free webinar on the subject of “Performers and performers’ rights: How can we create a sustainable creative eco-system in Europe?”
Performers are the backbone of Europe’s rich cultural and creative sector. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic reminds us just how fragile the creative ecosystem is, with many performers forced to consider giving up their profession as their art can no longer support them. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we strengthen the legal framework protecting performers.
Member States must now implement the 2019 EU Copyright Directive and in particular its article 18, which guarantees performers appropriate and proportionate remuneration – especially from streaming.
This webinar, brought to you by AEPO-ARTIS, will look at how this can be achieved.
Programme outline Welcome by the President of AEPO-ARTIS, Tilo Gerlach, Managing Director, GVL
Debate kick-off speech by MEP Niklas Nienaβ, Greens/EFA, European Parliament
Marco Giorello, Head of Copyright Unit, European Commission
Professor Raquel Xalabarder, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
José María Montes, Director of Legal and International Affairs, AISGE/ Vice President, AEPO-ARTIS
Bruno Boutleux, Managing Director, ADAMI
The debate is moderated by Dominic McGonigal, C8 Associates
For further information please contact the AEPO-ARTIS Secretariat +32 2 280 19 34
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